How to make your job alert increase its relevance? - Career Rapidly


Wednesday, October 30, 2019

How to make your job alert increase its relevance?

There are many job opportunities available online for job seekers with different educational qualifications, different skills and levels of experience. It is a known fact that getting a job is not always so easy and job hunting is always a struggle for many. If you are looking for jobs on the online job portals, one of the best ways to make your job search easy is the use of job alert service. This makes your job search convenient and less time consuming because you get jobs right in your inbox as per the requirements mentioned while creating the job alert.

Basic advantages
  • You are always updated on the recent job openings as per your skills and qualifications.
  • You minimize your time in job search.
  • You receive notifications of job vacancies in your inbox regularly
  • The latest job alerts are sent to you and this gives you a better chance to apply before the others.

How to make your job alert increase its relevance?
Basically, job alerts are unique set of jobs that are sent to you on your email id matching your educational profile and the CV that you uploaded on the job portal. This match is based on the some relevant fields like as department, functional area, qualifications, skills, job role, and industry. Your experience, your salary, your preferred job location are also taken into consideration when the job alerts are created, and thus a job alert helps you get the best-fit jobs for you.

Some basic tips to increase relevance
The relevance of a job alert depends on 5 basic factors:
  • Updated profile
  • Relevant key skills
  • Preferred job location
  • Job title
  • Functional area

Updated profile: Your profile on the job portal should always remain updated. Changes in your professional career in terms of up-gradation of skills, new job position or changes in salary should be updated on the portal as and when these occur. Even if there is no change on your profile, yet, it is advisable to remove the old resume and upload the same resume again. This helps to keep your job profile on the top searches for employers and you get the latest job alert.

Relevant key skills: Your key skills on your CV should be the relevant ones. If you are not interested to take up a job as per your old skills and you are looking for different kind of jobs, then make sure to include those skills that are relevant to the new job that you want to do. For example, if you are looking for a job in marketing but your previous job was as a software developer, then while creating the new job alert, remove skills related to developing and programming, and add new skills like as marketing, sales, business development etc.

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Preferred job location: Job alerts are also sent to you as per your preferred locations. If your preferred location is not mentioned, then you have a chance to get jobs from any random locations.

Job title: Your designation or job title also increases the relevance of your job alert. If you want a managerial position in a specific department, you have to mention the designation as well as the department, instead of only the designation. For example, you should write on the job alert ‘Manager, Finance’, and not simply ‘Manager’. If you do not want to limit yourself to an industry, then you can give a generic designation. For example, ‘Senior Manager – Corporate Division’ instead of ‘Senior Manager – Banking and Finance’>

Functional area: You should be very clear about your functional area. Lots of options are available for you, including the option ‘others’ while creating the job alert.  Avoid selecting “Others”. And choose the functional area that best fits your job or the job that you want to do.

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